BOOk Grids

KNOW TO BE TEAM WORKING Agreement Tutor/Learner KEEPING RULES SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS COMMUNICATION RESPECT TEAM SPIRIT COOPERATION TRUST OPENNESS RESPONSIBILITY Learner is able to share his/her perceptions of PAS with the instructor or the other learners (I didn’t like the activity because…). Learner demonstrates ability to interact meaningfully with one or more individuals. KNOW HOW Learner is able to give advice to the other learners if he/she has some knowledge, experience or capacity. SPORT ACTIVITY SPORT SUPERVISOR CENTRE Indicators 1st assessment Possible responses to the indicators LEARNER & ID NUMBER KNOW Learner is able to respect the rules of the game, the referee and the others players. Learner accepts and integrates well guidelines, instructions and procedures. 1 When the learner never shows it 2 When the learner shows it sporadically 3 When the learner shows it often Registration number GENDER Male Female Minor 2nd assessment 3rd assessment 4 When the learner shows it almost always Dates of Evaluations 1a 2a 3a Learner is able to create and execute organization and strategy tools and transfer it to others. Learner is capable of positively interacting with other learners as well as sport instructors both verbally and non-verbally. Learner manifests consideration and mindfulness for others. Learner gives constructive feedback on decisions or opinions of the others. Learner works with others to reach common goals. Learner shows a sense of solidarity and has an understanding of togetherness. Learner shows appreciation of teamwork, encourages and inspires others. Learner is open-minded to new ideas or opinions on how something has to be done that comes from other learners or the instructor during PAS. Learner shows confidence in his/her abilities and in the abilities of those participating in the activity. Learner accepts to let someone take decisions for the team to reach a goal. Learner demonstrates concern for others and holds him/herself accountability for their actions. Learner is willing to accept responsibilities and complete with them (e.g. is responsible to pick up the balls). READY... GO Grid to assess CCC Team Working / ERASMUS+ Project n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023846