25 – 28 juin 2005

Relevé des Décisions

First of all, we have to thank all Personalities as well as Representatives of the Municipality of BARONISSI as well as Mrs ONESTI and ENNEDI’ Collaborators for the contributions they have brought to facilitate our seminar.


Hereafter, please find a list of things which have been discussed during this seminar :


1.      Would all our partners take note that our next seminar will take place from friday 09th (starting at 1.30 pm) till monday 12th september 2005 (finishing at 1.00 pm).  We will deeply thank all partners to be kind to take care about time of arrivals and departures in regard of respecting the seminar’ schedules.


2.      Could HU and PL partners realize the translation of ACRE 2’ assets in their national languages and send them ASAP by mail to the coordinator for registration ?


3.      PIEEC Facilitators’ training session will take place in Bordeaux [FR] from 28/11/05 till 11/12/05. All partners have worked on the SOCRATES Grundtvig 3 form ; they all have received the programme as well as a lot of advices regarding this sub-programme as well as its obligations. Euro-CIDES will send to partners within the next days, complementary information regarding financial part of this training session.


4.      Tasks which have to be done before the end of July 2005

q                   ALL partners : list of persons who will attend the “PIEEC Facilitators” training session. Partners will present to Euro-CIDES the participants’ curriculae following the model herewith includes

q                   Except ES and IT, all partners have to send to Euro-CIDES their financial statements (administrative and personal costs as well as expenses) for the past period. Would you be kind to send all these documents by registered mail through your national post service (do not use UPS services or whatever) ; please be kind to attach a copy of your Excel boards on a floppy disk or a CD

q                   CY – GR – HU will organize the inventory of pedagogical products they have presented during BARONISSI seminar following BOARD 1 ; they will send these by mail to BG partner (with one copy to Euro-CIDES) so to allow BG to start the part of their work.


5.       Tasks which have to be done before our next seminar in September 2005

q                   ES partner will find and send to BG partner a pedagogical product based on how to learn Spanish when you are a foreigner as well as a low skilled adult

q                   FR will find and send to BG partner 2 pedagogical products based on how to learn French and how to learn English when you are a foreigner as well as a low skilled adult


6.      Tasks which have to be done for the next ACRE 2’ seminar in September 2005

q       All partners are kindly required to help ES partner to build their group of “Experts” ; please feel free to send them ideas about other profiles than the ones presented during the last day of the seminar in Baronissi

q                   CY – HU  will finish to inventory their pedagogical products and will present them by completing BOARD 1 (model is herewith attached)

q                   IT – PL will start their inventory of pedagogical products starting to complete BOARD 1 (model is herewith attached) for their presentation during next seminar

q                   BG will present the first DEMOs they will have realized starting on GR list of pedagogical products



We would like to finish this report by thanking Baronissi’ partners for having join ACRE 2 partnership.