Cellule d’Appui et de Réflexion Locale (CARL)

Territorial Think Tanks






Pays / Country : CYPRUS



Nom de l’organisation (langue nationale)

Name of the Institution (national language)

Γραφείο Διευθυντή Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης

Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού Κύπρου


Nom de l’organisation (en anglais)

Name of the Institution (in english)

Primary Education Director’s Office

Ministry of Education and Culture –Nicosia


Nombre de salariés dans l’organisation

Number of Employees




Contact Person

Mr Andreas Tsiakkiros – Educador

Adresse de l’organisme

Post Address


Téléphone  +35722800665, Mob. +0035799634344


Fax +35722428277



Site Internet / Website



Domaine(s) de Compétences

Scope of Activities

The aim of the formal education is the:

Development of Free and Democratic Citizens with Fully Developed Personality,

Mentally and Morally Refined

Healthy, Active and Creative Citizens




Brève présentation du champ d’intervention de l’organisation

Short presentation of the institution


The Primary Education Director’s Office is responsible for the pre-primary and primary education in Cyprus . Its objectives are the:

1)      Fulfillment of Educational needs

2)      Provision of a Specialize Education

3)      Preparation for Professional and Life Long Learning

4)      Strengthening of Cyprus as an Independent State

5)      Promotion of Equal Educational Opportunities

6)      Creation of Democratic Citizens

7)      Promotion of Friendship and Cooperation between the Various Communities