Working Programme

KILKIS seminar (GR)

September 2006

Thursday 31 August 2006


Partners’ Arrivals – ULAK will care about transports from airport till hotel




Friday 01 September 2006


09h30    Opening


from 10h00 to 13h00

GR partner will present

§         ULAK’s Territory (geography, sites, missions, statistics,…)

§         the Greek national educative system

§         the Greek Lifelong Learning dispositive

§         local and territorial problems in regard of  ACRE Target Publics (figures, needs,…)


15h00    Situations since our last meeting in Sofia (July 2006)


15h30    Debates on Posters, Leaflets, Pro forma invoices from printers, Computers, roadsigns


16h00    1st Workshop - Recommendations issued from ACRE 1 regarding PIEEC’s logistics


17h30    2nd Workshop – How to communicate and make publics coming to PIEEC ?


18h30 - 19h00  End of 1st working day




Saturday 02 September 2006


09h00    3rd Workshop – Questionnaire to be filled for each PIEEC’s user and ACRE Graphic Chart


11h00    Visits on sites for the 2 other PIEEC (Pikrolimni and Monties)


15h00    ES - Validation of Pedagogical products (point on the situation, agenda)


16h00    4th Workshop animated by BG partner

ü      Realization of DEMO’s : point on the situation, agenda

ü      How PIEEC facilitators will use ACRE catalogue to get to pedagogical products ?


18h00    5th Workshop : CARL – Setting up and Tasks (this point is linked to the presentation ACRE partners have drawn up in Sofia “To establish a territorial cell”)


19h00    End of 2nd working day




Sunday 03 September 2006


09h00    Individual points about financial statements (one partner per 10 minutes)


10h00     Socio and/or cultural activities (this point belongs to our hosting partner).





Monday 04 September 2006


09h00    Point of the situation regarding SOCRATES next projects (ACR’Outils and ACRE 3)


10h00    PIEEC Process (to prepare PP Presentation)


11h30    Preparation of the pre-programme for Brussels closing seminar.


12h30    Closing