ACRE Project SOCRATES Programme No 87259-CP-1-2000-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-ADU No 114271-CP-1-2004-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 - 11 - ✓ Development Officer to carry out talks, to supplement graphic charters, to guide orientations with multiple choices, ✓ Participant with practical experience to inventory, compose and animate the CARL, to stimulate the territorial network, to request actions and to work on the continuous watch of the system at the same time as enriching the products catalogue, ✓ Solutions originator ▪ to solve difficulties that may arise (problems of mobility, child-care, compatibility of working hours, administrative regularisation…). ▪ to motivate accompanying persons voluntary for helping users. The example can be considered on Spanish existing through the "Asociacion de Vecinos" that was created during the Francoism period (form of silent internal fight) and continued beyond the death of the Caudillo in 1975. Information to be broadcasted It is important to give the possibility to users to continue their trainings throughout the life, still it is necessary that, for this publics typology, information be widely broadcasted. Partners are looking into this question and in particular the Spanish partner who targeted very precisely the recipient of information while working with Co- producers of his CARL starting from the experimental courses that they organized as sub-groups (handicapped people, women, ethnic minorities, migrants). It is established that in a general way, for the last three sub-groups, organizations known and located on the territories already develop this work of information. On the other hand, for people carrying handicap (in the broad sense), information is more difficult because very often persons are not indicated themselves like such and do not direct themselves towards associations of defence of the users; they do not have a-priori access to this information.