"*'. ACRE 2 æû conngltearcg pout mleux repondte o l'emploi To discover English The activities and resources in this part of the site are designed to give an introduction to certain features of standard British English pronunciation, which is sometimes called Received Pronunciation (RP). There are interactive and downloadable activities and materials which can be used for self-study or for teachers with lower-i nte rmedi ate students. The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: affhffi.|ffiÉl168 xxhdd r], lù6Àrf.!**.ù*n$*Énnû | lr'.ddk* È.'turi #^È1*d!.! | rt:=_Ë:_:=:J G m th Mo wddt$w to K6 bh ffiS h h tro rowd !rde. tue you tr Éedy & ffiart, # lrlon r--Ei-l E *"" t00% u% 6ô'6 æ% 20% 0% VALIDATION
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