q:+ç$ffi.ffiF!}" t*+t'I""lrto $"i,: 'ti ili I ..' ti,-{f,. tr-* accroille ses conrnb$onces pout mieux repondre o I'emploi LEARN GREEK! Am amazing on-line course for learning the basic of the Greek language - at least the alphabet, the numbers, or how to tell the time! You will see how the letters are written, you will hear how they are pronounced, and you will have great time... GO AND TRY! The Leaming Grcek Filoglossia Web site is based on the Filoglossia CD-ROM series - a multimedia program for learning Greek as a foreign language, addressed to beginners. The language material is not difficult - it assists you to communicate in reallife situations - going shopping, apologizing etc. In each chapteryou will find several components: dialogue, basic vocabulary, some grammar explanations and useful phrases. They will help you to develope your language skills, and feel more confident when you meet Greek people, or go to Greece for a holiday. You willfind also: . Audio files with native speakers o Translation in English at the click of a button . Vocabulary exercises r Grammar exercises . Usefulphrases We wish you a pleasant time with Filoglossia! The course is developed as a part of the Filoglossia Web site and can be found at http :/ /www.xanthi.ilsp.qr/fi los/ In olderto use it, you need also headphones or loudspeakers, and installed Greek Multilanguage support of your Windows system (for instructions, see the Information section on the first page of the website). VALIDATION Prcsntallon EASYNESS
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