-" ACRE 2 occrollre ffi conrHl$oncÊâ pouf mleux repondle a l'emplol OIIE MORE GAME. LETTRA! Do you remember the popular "HANGMAN" game? Now you have another chance to try to guess some words; if you do not succeed - you will be surprised who will appear?! Lettra is a product of ABC-WARE - Software for ALL. It has to be installed on your computer from the H(J_lettra.exe file from the ACRE 2 CD 1 collection. VALIDATION Prêsenation EASYNESS LETTRA is a nice "guessing" exercise, where you can try to guoss the word before "your animal" is drawn by the computer. During the game, you can explore the possibilities of the panel in the bottom-left corner: - By clicking on theflugs, you can switch between words in German, English, Swedish,Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French - Then click of the "traffic light' to start the game, and choose some letters to complete the word. - The colored squares button gives you the opporfunity to change the background of the game - The "ABC" button allows you to choose how the letters look like - Some more advanced sdtïngs can be changed using the "options' button in the middle of the second row: just ask your consultant to do it for you. Will you ûy it? (And it is better to have your headphones switched on! ...)
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