ffi -""'ACRE 2 occrollre l*Ë connolmrç€ù Fow mleux repotrdte o l'emploi ENGLISH GRAMMAR! lf you want to reftesh your knowledge in English ftom school, or to "put in order" some of the structures you already know, this course is for you! The ltalian author Raffaele Nardella offers you a new course for learning English, with a lot of support and explanations. The cource presents in a brilliant multimedia way the basic English grammar - explanatory tables with a lot of exercises. The words and phrases used for the exercises are not difficult, but anyway you need some basic knowledge in English, in order to master your skills. The grammar material is logically structured, covering the most important language structures: . articles . pronouns . Verbs r tenses All the explanations are accompanied with a lot of examples. You can hear the pronunciation by clicking -4''ù the \'/i button. The very well composed set of exercises will give you the possibility to test your knowledge and advance further. We wish you success with the English Grammar! I v-uqd.ûçrffd.-'84 I tffiùry*r The course can be found at http:l/ www.nspeak.comlsiorqi/efl lfadlaudiosrammatica/ All the instructions of the Grammatica Inglese di Base are given in ltalian! t0% VALIDATION Prêaentat lon EASYNESS PROtaOilt FtrtoxAtt re @'ÉÉ@l9ri$.4@, F'ææ6.gffi.F!*{ Mr*.*sfficsa&.bÈÈ ffiskaÉEffir^r|rhr!6 ffi.b+lftur gûfr,rrfiffi *! ' . âEmmlhæÈh t.' h q &!*r, 2. ôÊC6 LrMs, 4HBôtd.lwær ?
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