i-. I ! a ..t,.ir;,1:I.' ? .Y , II i; ar v. i, I ,JI I ACRE 2 :ccroilre s€s ,'ot'looissonces poul mieux repondle o l'r,'mploi ,!t**g Telling the weather This website is dedicated to people who study French. This is a simple way to learn weather forecast in French. You have to click on a speaker icon to hear the weather forecast (weatherman) and then drag a picture or a temperature to the conect place on the map (chart). ln real time you can see your correct or false answers. There are 5 different maps and weather forecasts. After all tasks you'll see your result. The course isfreed accessible of chargethrough one logon to Internet. The linkof logon is following: http;// 1 1 /exmeteo.html Eûlol là nrtl@ cn cl4oant su {: llrEou lo! çy.Nû!.vr lû Énû , - - Ëf I f T.:r:n _-E E VALIDATION ,s% 80% m% $Yo 20% o% Presentatlon EASYI{ESS
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