occloltte sss conr hscnoes po.u mleu repondte o l'emplol NICrafts - Self-training in traditional crafts from European countries r All the materials are translated in English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Greek, and Finnish (ust click on the flags in the bottom-left corner to switch between the languages!) o A lot of illustrations and picturesl Welcome! Welcome to the NTCrafts self-training system! You have taken a new teaching material. Perhaps you are the eager expert ofthe handwork, or, perhaps, a beginner? We wish both welcome! This material helps you to begin your new experlence as a handcraft master or adds new skills to what you already know: four crafts, oharacteristic for four European countries: o carpeting, presentedby Bulgaria o basketwork, presentedbY SPain o hand knitting, presented by Finland o pottery, presented bY Greece; tips that will help you to improve your skills in home-made craft articles, and produce items, suitable both for everyday use and for offering as souvenirs; "Communication" and "Finance" you will get new ideas for the practical use ofyour skills in traditional crafts. Good Luck onCrafis'rcad! NTCrafts is developed with the finanoial support of the EU as a part of the Leonardo da Vinci pilot project BG/PP/132-104, promotedby ZNANIE CVT - Sofia. It can be started fromthe f:Jre NTCrafis.exe fromthe BG_NTCrafis folder of the ACRE 2 CD 7 oollection. Also, printed copies of all the materials, and two DVDs with a demonstration of the production of the articles, are available upon request to the authors. I ;*.** Leonardo da lfinci VALIDATION lnw. 80yj AEÂ tl0% 20% o% Pres€ntallon