occrollre ses corinoFçancet pour mleux repondre o The states from A to Z You can study the structure of the world. The principle elements of the world: The total area of Earth is 510.300.000 Kmz, 360.700.000 Kmz it's the area of Oceans, whereas 149.600.000 Kmz it's of the land. At political level there are 194 Countries, subdivided in 6 continents. There are moreover the Antarctica, this land is totaly covered by the ice and it isn't permanently inhabited. Population: (estimates June 2000) Density: 4L ab/Kmz The most populated City: Tokyo (29.870.000 pop.) The higher Mountain: Everest 8850 m The maximum Depression: Dead Sea -408 m The maximum Depth: Mariana Trench -10.924 m The longer River: Nile 6671 Km The greater Laker Caspian See 371.000 Kmz The greater Island: Greenland 2.130.800 Kmz æææ r.t.a,!.t,f .a.rr !.t.t.t.l . Q. t' I' I '! " V ' I'T 'l lb.(4æS\ùSh .H M!e4Ô9&(l*Éet hb rra{a|ËttÈt ffiP.rbrs:& ËsFr$rrrder a4ù ffiû.waffilffiH6ilY |ffi Fæ ûl !ù.hd ,#r&-|latrtt t4dÈdt@ra@ùFfrÉ FddÈet&ùrem** I lte lÉfrB@*dffiùr rÛ ,serÉ& F$rùitsrndt ffi !*.FÈÊ*.Sd,f4.Fl S B@eq8$,esField|È. @waffil rl r.c.*t ,*d9a l}lq$, {il &:d.fid ra'DsÉt{,@qÊw^ l hc&Èr& | l jr'd ratùA,'ffidæir l The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to lnternet. The link of logon is following: http:l/www. olobaloeoqrafi a. conli ndice az. htm 800/i 60% VALIDATION Prêsentatlon Atractlve ,,, tffsè . 03!sr '. E6t. nlàh*ë*,ht rIlS$,ldssrsD.
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