.,\li'!J:1"f.4,.,, ';. lrol : l; ti | -' ',. )l ,# 4_æ ccroilre ses ronnqissonces pout mieux l.epondre o l',:mploi ACRE 2 Hungary General introduction to Hungary, this is only a demo programme, however you may have insight to Hungarian culture and get basic information about our unique language in Europe. The course gives you an overview of Hungary, about its people, language. Enjoy the lovely Hungarian verbunk music and navigate with the compass. Authors: Institute for Hungarian Language Ask the facilitator for headphones! Click on introduction to start the music and material Ask the facilitator how to use. VALIDATION Preseniat Ion Airactlve EASYNESS I woror" "*onb u, Hrng"rùn.rpu.iing p.optii I i lhoÈ arê ôbout '15 milllon of !. Etl ovlr the lvorld i This ir Hungâty hêrê, orr nativ6 lrnd j Y'i. call tt ltsgyâIoBlNE. \ ) r'lr -"tl jll " tl {n lt': TËJ;::j ]J:J.{'-i,Ëiff iAHiLi L.l'e lffiHùgsi0ll flll b€ n brt unF6l, li!t..9ûq lell , . er - ds ve hope . vhdt a qredl ...,*.---**siri*;$L.rfrntldmddar. -... s; &il r Lso!rY! ftere are rc qranrmohiô! 'J€rters In Hun{Enan, ' Hûsgarial vsrùs hale o(!y ûæ pact aM tÉ rstw€ ten5e, Stress ùlvlays lt|ls on flE fiÉt syllabletl ûtc vloÉs. tiUI) \t,tisï
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