ACRE 2 - Pedaqoqical materials A. Short Title of the course General lntroduction to HUNGARY B. Search page 1. Course categol Foreiqn Lanquaqes Learninq Europe, Citizenship Historv and Literature Computer Skills Arts and Crafts Mathematics and Sciences Geoqraphv and Environment X Do lt Yourself Business, Finance and Marketing Cookino. Gardenino and Decoration Professional Activities Communication Well-beinq and Health SocialSkills Equal Chances Sports and Games 2. Course duration Short X Medium Long General 3. Course level Beqinners Medium Advanced General X 4. Languages the course available Czech Italian Slovak Danish Latvian Swedish German X Lithuanian lrish Greek Hungarian Letzeburgesch Enolish X Maltese lcelandic Spanish X Dutch Noruegian Estonian Polish Bulqarian Finnish Portuouese Romanian French X Slovene Turkish G. Presentation page Authors: Institute for Hungarian Language Ask the facilitator for headphones! Click on introduction to start the music and material The doesn't need anv installation
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