,,\ r l $ *" ACRE 2 sccrollrs 8es cenncl$tF* pour mleux repondle o I'emploi Louvre Museum Through the Louvre Museum' website you will discover History, period after period. You can visit all sections of the museum and see many pictures and panoramic images from each of them. You also will be linked with other Museums such as Cairo Egyptian Museum, Garrousel Garden, Métro Louvre- Rivoli, Métro Palais-Royal - Musée du Louvre, Mefopolitan Museum of Art, Orsay Museum, Place du Palais-Royal, Pont Royal, Rue de Rivoli. Sab au Mu'sée du Louvre The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: http://www.insecula . com/uslmuseelM000 1 . html @ffi ffiffi 80% âo% #to 20% o% VALIDATION
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