-"'ACRE 2 occrollre æs connsl$ônc$ pou mleux repondre o l'emploi Information free of charge. Website is in English language. U RL: http :i/www.ancie ntg reece.coml VALIDATION æ% *I 14% mfi ffi I,l æ It-:.1 ti! ft -t '-l l-- @*"*"" G** c*- .'ik'.* C"** c** thlît s*. G,- ekffi*" For those who wants to leam about different aspects of the Ancient Greece. Knowledge of English language is needed. Copyright @ 1998 Universal Artists, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In this website the Ancient Greek history is presented divided by thematic (Art & Architecture, History, Olympics, Wars, Geography, Mythology, People).
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