ACRE 2 ocgrollle ieû connglr*qrc* pow mieux repondte o I'emploi "Hellenic History on the Internet". The programme can be utilized both by the educational system as wellas by individuals who want to leam about Hellenic history. Available in Greek and English language. Author: Foundation of the Hellenic World. In the era of the "lnformation Society", "Hellenic History on the Internet" is an innovative way, regarding both its extent and method, to present Hellenic history to people all over the world and it has been created by distinguished historians, researchers, archaeologists a nd information scientists of Greece. lt is worlh mentioning that it deals with all aspects of the Greek activity: politics, military, history, literature, culture, private life, society, economy etc, from Prehistory to the present day. lt is also accompanied by extensive bibliography, timetables and abundant photographic material. lnformation about the author: The Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW is a not-for-profit cultural institution based in Athens, Greece. The Foundation uses state-of-the-art, cutting-edge information and computer technology in its pursuit of the research, awareness and understanding of Hellenic history and culture URL:@ rso% 80% 60% û% 2W" w" VALIDATION Prcsentailon r.
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