[-' d.RE z occrollre Êgi corimlæances pour mleux repondre o I'emploi "Greek Ancient Cities". The material of the website can be utilized both by the educational system as well as by individuals who want to learn about famous Ancient Cities of Greece. Available in Greek and English language. Copvriqht @ 1 99f- Ellen Papakyriakou/Anagnostou. The course offers useful and interesting information about the history, architecture, monuments, social and political life, culture, etc, of the most famous Ancient cities of the Hellenic word, i.e. o Athens r Sikyon r Corinth o Sparta o Thebes . Argos r Mycenae o Delphi r Olympia The materials on the SIKYON Web pages (such as texts, images, descriptions, etc.) are provided for the personal use of students, teachers, and the public. All information are free of charge. The material is available both in Greek as well as in English language. U RL: kvon çann/irclex.ht4Èl lw 80% '1 try, a% vt VALIDATION
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