'#' -'e ç .{ -"'ACRE 2 occrolfre sff connolsSûttç€$ pour mieux repondre o l'emplCIi Boscoreale is a locality to north of Pompei mails to the slopes of the Vesuvio, from someone identified with the Pagus Augustus Felix Suburbanus. For its fertility end from the protostoria (tomb of the ' Fossakultur') and occupied afterthe eruption of the 79 d.C. was inhabited (terme of Via Casone Grotta, ll - lll century d.C.). In roman age it was rich of given over villas and small farms to the cultivation of the screw of the olive and cereals. The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: http://www.pompeiisites.orqldatabase/pompei/Pompei2.nsf/paqine/7CCBCC4EGF3B4A60C 1 256AC7002908D8?Open Docu ment 60% VALIDATION Presentàtlon n Airactlve EASYNESS hà!mrii$.6 sm, ffi mr?È $h*/tuÉh Bid.ldÉælffiSôÈ, VESUVIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES CIRCUIT - BOSCOREALE
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