occrollre s€s conngls€ttçâ pou mleux repondle o l'emploi VESUVIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES CIRCUIT - ERCOLANO The city of Ercolano, supply of modest walls, was constructed on a slowly volcanic on the sea and to the feet of the Vesuvio, limited on the side it orients them and on that western one from two tonents. Two fluvial coves constituted natural and sure landings place I I CÈnni 5torici ru es@rgilcBctici The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: http: /www.pompeiisites.orq/database/pompei/Pompei2.nsflpaqine/8449D3C34DE6806DC 1 256AC00047F2 E2?Open Docu ment e.6Érfxtu. b 0{.F3! d àkffiF *iûdslrlôn&don. d E6bno âdEràd. fi ôCiofi, poi.d tudli. d P.l.rli ! lifin. .i SôDoli, Al pùi c di s.#F, dôô 3rsl.É (byôb ridùùô mll'ffi d.b Rita8atari ô bDt ùr.tu lô âam Sdè, âdag r,c. ôl l.!e d t. Cffir s*, llto ao% 60% $% 2i% 0% VALIDATION
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