f r s *. ACRE 2 occroltre gês connalËgorç€û potlr mleux repondre o I'emploi VESUVIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES CIRCUIT _ OPLONTIS The diggings of Oplontis are found to the center of the modern city of Torre Annunziata. The Oplontis name is attested only in the Tabula Peutingeriana, medioevale copy of an ancient relative map to the existing roads in ltaly to the age of the Roman Empire. In this paper the name Oplontis indicates some structures seted between Pompei and Ercolano. The main monument is the "villa of Poppea" inserted between the assets that the Unesco has defined "Patrimony of the Humanity": Huge residential construction of the half of the century a.C., widened in imperialage, was in course of restoration at the moment of the eruption. lt is attributed to Poppaea Sabina, second wife of Nerone emperor, but in any case re-entering in the patrimony of the imperial family The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to lnternet. The link of logon is following: http://wunry.pompeiisites.orq/database/pompei/Pompei2.nsf/paqine/3371D08F137183E9C1 256AD40044C46 1 ?Open Document 80% 6070 VALIDATION Plesêntat lon Atrâcllve EASYNESS ËruH
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