occrollre tês co*lllcll$qncef pour mleux repondre o I'emploi VESUVIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES CIRCUIT - POMPEI Wth its 44 hectares of area dug and with the remarkable state of conservation of its buildings, had to the particular burial caused from the eruption of the 79 d.C., Pompei is the only one archaeological site that gives back to the image of one roman city to us. lmage that was not dissimilar from that one of other cities of the same period, than the time it has not conserved. The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: http://www.pompeiisites.oro/database/pompei/Pompei2.nsf/pasine/868C7C3FC242BCBFC 1 256486003244F3?Ooen Docu ment 10ffi s% ox $x ffi o% VALIDATION
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