csf*T*", qry w fl^'-!,,:.,''?1 31..r *'. ACRE 2 occrollre rër cgrnctltsorËs poLU mleu( repondre o I'emploi Stabiae is the ancient Latin name of the city of Castellammare di Stabia, citizen placed between Pompei and Sonento. Thanks to its splendid geographic position and its particularly mild climate, its tenitory has been attended from the Vll century a.C. like documents the material recovered in the necropoli, rich of beyond three hundred interments, discovery in 1957 in Madonna of Thanks road, in an area between it puts into effect them common of Gragnano and S. Maria the Charity, inquired in more resumptions. The importance of the find recovered and the presence in the funerals equipments also of ceramics of import Corinthian, Etruscan, "calcidese and attica" reveal immediately the important role trade carried out them from this city The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logoÀ is following: http://www.pompeiisites.ors/database/pompei/Pompei2.nsf/paqine/8CDBB2EB8656D5BAC 1 256AC600556962?Open Document ffisuo6ùa Pomgala $ffi. Gr*atrâ isa Sland{dô Fàiotrr {logr.fic. r J 'so ch! Dart@lrmrnla nûa, il reD lrdbric t sF hqorÈo s ddvrr 'rs..c. omr@m& l@Èdd. dngrÉ nrllà v.5b nâmp.lir ris d dtsG ù@Db rôpolUE, twÈ VESUVIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES CIRCUIT . STABIA 100% t0% s0% VALIDATION Presentat lon Atraallvè EASYNESS
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