r$dfm"Jar, qw ve] fl^'-!.,:,''?i 'P l.J -"'ACRE 2 occrollre t6 corrfftlwrcet pour mleu reporuCre o I'emploi The Rinascimentale Art in ltaly The definition of Rinascimento is bom in the same period. lt means that while negative meanings which "gotico" are been born in successive age to the period which the term makes reference, entering then in the common use, the term "rebirth" comes used the first time from the Vasari, hardly to the half of XVI the century. The temporal division of the rinascimentale art introduces still some difficulties. The date of beginning of the Rinascimento technically is considered 1492,year of the discovery of the America and the dead of Lorenzo the Magnificent. rW ffi 0ilrm ilH l|- c!r! - kCd r:&.é:çnd rÉ*.t drrfi(d*rEÈ. hqidd{ DÉ#i& ùi*a&li:ibi:rtfrr ;*, The course is free accessible of charye through one logon to lnternet. The link of logon is following: http://www italica. rai. iUarqo menti/storia arte/arte rin ascimentaleiindexl . htm fffi*****l H 8A% m% ,A% û% o% VALIDATION Prcaentâtlon
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