ry CRE 2 occrelfre sês Êonnol$tttçgt Pour mieux repondre o I'emploi The Gothic Art in ltaly lIr Itt Ej| Xi;iÏfii,iii,ï - knq]'+ts'r E{ànrqr5.r ,+{.rùhre:.ArrN The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: http://www. ital ica. rai. iUarqo menti/storia arte/a rtq soticalindex. htm George Vasari has use for first " gotico" term, to define that one that it considers one Barbarian artistic manifestation. The gothic art is Barbarian, exactly, as it was realized from the Goti, because it does not correspond to classic canon which the Rinascimento means to return. Lost with the years every negative meaning, the definition remains to indicate an artistic age, with common characters .The Gothic language, today revalued to the point to be considered between most prolific and innovating, has also a one characteristic. In spite of the local differences, more or less marked, the nationalfeatures and more often regional, exist some distinctive peculiarities, that uniff, for the first time, from the times of the ancient Rome exist, the artistic expressions of Europe. II {Ês*4tstr+ s |trJhrÈJi*l|#! --m.-- tov 80% &% û% 0% VALIDATION Presentation
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