*".ACRE 2 occfolfrg $* connolùsclncês pouf mleux repondle o I'emploi The Greek Ombudsmah Level: General. The information are available in Greek, French and English, as well as in the languages of the largest immigrants' grouPs. Copyright: The Greek Ombudsman The Greek Ombudsman is a constitutionally sanctioned Independent Authority. The purpose of the Greek Ombudsman is to mediate between public administration and private individuals, forthe purpose of to protecting citizens' rights, their ensuring compliance with the rule of law rights, observe the rule of law, and combating maladministration. ln addition, the mission of the Greek Ombudsman includes protection and promotion of the rights o f the child. The Ombudsman does not have the power to impose sanctions or to annul the illegal actions of the public administration. The information offered in the website are about: o The Ombudsman's role and the mission r On what issues can the Ombudsman intervene . How citizens may communicate with the Ombudsman o Processing Citizens' complaints t no?{rdùu(ntr oYFd rdr@î|E ræ lmrcæ roundrn,d i4'tu.@dod r. ord!û rourùnoqwu ndtn, H drtor l,@\ror EYNHTOPOE TOY NOAITH æ ANTNATlHTTI ..TTXH Information free of charge. Requirements: No special requirements are necessary URL: http://www.svn ioo ros. qr/ VALIDATION Prêsênbtion
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