*Êi "EuroPass Gurricu lum Vitae" It provides individual citizens with a model for the systematic, chronological and flexible presentation of their qualifications and competences. Available in 19 languages. Source: EUROPEAN COMMISSION. The Europass-CV provides citizens with the opportunity to present in a clear and comprehensive way information on alltheir qualifications and competences. Specific directions on the different fields are provided and a set of guidelines and examples has also been produced to help citizens to complete the Europass-CV. The Europass-CV can be completed in I simple steps: 1 . personal information, 2. Desired employment / Occupational field, 3. Work experience, 4. Education and training, 5. Language(s), 6. Personal skills and competencies, 7. Additional information and annexes, L save your CV. The template is quite detailed, but it is up to the individual citizens to choose which fields to fih. It can be completed in electronic form - either downloaded or on line. Citizens who complete the electronic form - either downloaded or on line - are allowed to remove any field which they choose notto complete. For instance, a person who does not indicate his or her sex or who has no specific technical skill to report, is allowed to remove these fields, so that no blank field appears on the screen or in the printed version. About the author: Europass has been established by the Dçcisjqn illq-?241l2004/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 December 2004 on a single transparency framework for qualifications and competences. The EuroPass GV is available in: VALIDATION ,: I P rese nl al lo n EASY N ESS
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