Leam about European Union Level: General. The information are available in all Official Languages' Author: EUROPEAN COMMISSION Aim of this website is to enhance public access to information about EU. More precisely the information available are about: . A brief, simple explanation about what the EU is, what it does and how it works . The European anthem, flag, motto and Europe Day . Overview of the basic documents on which the EU is founded r Maps of Europe and a description of each country . History of the cooperation in Europe . Practical information for everyone planning holidays and trips . A plain guide to Euro jargon . Basic statistics on Europe amusingly presented and clearly explained . Explanation of some of the EU activities directly affecting citizens in 2005 r Europe in 12lessons The above mentioned information are easily accessible to everyone interested in learning about EU and are available in all official EU languages. ocerolfre teû cOnnOl$Ot!çS pow mieux repondle o l'emploi Course free of charge. -;;;-.-a-à";erù-of - *f '^&-c,t yq< l^/ To - ct;.4aeH '-o -Ll Requirements: No special requirements are necessary URL: http:/ &196 dt% VALIDATION Ptesentatlon EASYNESS
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