**, çWE,è-l-i; ri!': -,.' , csoiis',r1:a,,,, -i ': "'f-" \ / ,ui g '-;_J.'' ? âli | ..' ."".ACRE 2 ç- .ë ficcroltre ses connobSonces pour mieux repondre o l'emploi GREAT GAME! Can you find the European countries on the map? Do you know their capitals? GO AND CHECK! LeamEurope is a "game for adults", helping you to learn more about the countries in Europe and their capitals. During the gamen you have three options: A. uPick countries": the computer will tell you the name of the country, and you will have to find it on the map. lf you are right, the name of the country will be marked in green; if not - in red. B. 'Find All'1 the same situation, but the computer will keep on asking you till you mach all the names of the countries with their positions on the map. C. uPick names": the computer will show you a country, and you will have to find its name in the.list. During all the time, you can ask for help by pressing F1: you will be shown all the countries, their position on the map, and their capitals. Moreover, you will see your score for each game and all the highest scores. Try it - you may leam something new! The LeamEurope is a product of Arctic Owl Softwarc Company. It has to be installed on your computer from the HU_Learneurope folder on the ACRE 2 CD 1 collection, P.êffitatiæ
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