ACRE 2 f€û cdrncl$oncg3 polr mleu( repondre o l'emploi European countries This website is dedicated to people who study French. You will learn vocabulary through click and play activities. Each word you will click on will allow you to listen to it and therefore improve your pronunciation. \Mren you have memorised the words, you can check your knowledge with an exercise based on the same topic. lf you wish so, you may download the activity you want to practice offline. Please select the computer type you use. Our activities are free for a NON commercial use. The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: http:l/lexiryefl Qaml* OuEtfi!ttuhrFF) Otfr rrûEû{d 'sdF}., 0@ l;-;"_*t [f! ! F;:r- , ./.t \k ** it iiiua .r-\ {lk4,t\ r-"R *i_l.'ffi.,r.-i. @ dr lno% 80% æP/" #/. 2e w. VALIDATION
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