ACRE 2 ocerolfro ses coûïlolt$ctr ês pow mieux repondre o l'emploi Language, history, cultural heritage and famous personalities of 7 European Countries Level: General. Knowledge of English is a prerequisite. It was created in the frame of a Socrates Lingua 1 project entitled "Elancenet". Author: EUROED FOUNDATION (RO) By visiting this website, created in the ftame of the Socrates Lingua 1 project "elancenet" you can find: . 'A few facts about..." the language spoken in 7 European countries. i.e. Belgium (Dutch), Greece, lreland, ltaly, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, "Travellers' kit", a dictionary with common words and phrases, used at the restaurant, the hotel, in emergency situations, to make greetings, the means of transport, the time, the weather, days of the week, foods and drinks, etc. . information about the countries (history, geography, etc, . information about 4 famous personalities for each country, . usefullinks. In the main page of the website you can find a database with institutions offering language courses for the 7 languages involved. The information available are given in allthe 7 languages, whilst English is the "lingua franca". The website is easily accessible to anyone interested in the acquisition of basic skills in some of the Less \Mdely Used and Less Taught European languages. Gourse ftee of charge. Requirements: No special requiremenb are necessary URL: loiJ./a 80% !0% &v" 20'Â tÀ VALIDATION PGsentatlon EASYiIESS
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