ACRE 2 - Pedaqoqical materials A. Short Title of the course TASTE OF... B. Search page Course is available C. Presentation page http:l/www.elancenet. oroltasteof. php?item= 1 &countrv=RO&languaoe=EN Foreign Languages Learninq Europe, Citizenship X Historv and Literature Comouter Skills Arts and Crafts Mathematics and Sciences Geoqraphv and Environment Do lt Yourself Business, Finance and Marketing Cookinq, Gardening and Decoration Professional Activities Communication Well-beinq and Health SocialSkills Eoual Chances Sports and Games 2. Course duration ShorT Medium X Lonq General 3. Course level Beoinners Medium Advanced General X 4. Lanquaoes the course Czech x Italian X Slovak X Danish X Latvian x Swedish x German X Lithuanian X lrish x Greek x Hunqarian X Letzeburgesch X English x Maltese X lcelandic X Spanish x Dutch X Noruregian x Estonian X Polish X Bulgarian Finnish X Portuguese x Romanian French x Slovene X Turkish
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