qcctollre ses cQnrHMncsi Bou mleux rePondre o l'emplol Celebrate! Amazngeducational portal - on-line maûerials, tests and demonstrations! It opens a whole new world of the Digitalbrian: a way for the teachers and students to interact with the learning objects. Celebratel is olanned for the schools - but aren't we all students for the whole our lives? The Celebrate! Educational portal is a Hungarian Information Sooiety Technology Project, supported by the European Commission. Its main task is to create an innovative approaoh to teaching and learning - based on the elearning technologies and the vision how the oleotronic resources may look like in the future. Even if you do not log to the Celebrate! Classroom, you can learn a lot from its public space: . Examples of processes in nature o Photo gallery samples . A lot of demonstratiohs in Maths, Geography, Science... When you enter Celebrate!, do not miss the sections: o "Content Examples" (scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the piotures to enlarge...) o 'More examples" o "Sample VLE": The Demo International portal Ld's feel students again ! The home page of Celebrato! Is at http : //celebrate. dieitalbrain. com"/oelebrate/home/home. htm And then follow the links! In order to use it, you need Macromedia Flash Player installed on your computer VALIDATION ll ; I. H
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