-'n'*WffiWlËjs .f.':îi:., Elj "'. ACRE 2 This course developed by The "" and provides information about the work procedures the use of small electric hand tools etc. i./A DucK S)! rar= MfY.*# db F ndù ehÈi* trÉt &fi ltr ffi È tÈ d !d!è4re qFÈ. d.E tu4.dùr!l.Fd&F..r Bddry.t €dod RedE The author of this course is "" This course is available through internet at the site: hrJp;/lrwu,,dlfFrtsc-u-Lr/:rf laqthuMg"qlËàge*s-.-h,t!]l VALIDATION P resentat lon Atraôtlve EASYNESS occroilra ses connols$ctrlces pour mieux repondre o l'emploi The title of this course is'dlYfixit. This course is useful for Everybody who are ingested to know about the Diy for houses. n! +\- . epu rd 'gdr.tu '9s!.{ .E'!d! -.r.Jd '98Ès. u,t I lFr @9 4 4ùdErFetta .-TM ,æ.rerÉ.bùm.-4srrIqgr6d I 15 ll^ | ;Ji#tr;';L'j.f;';#.:.;l'"#;: I 1ffi_r-l ùrè4dd.bdr@hùtM | 1'; I ll \- | dq'.ùrw I ll , ll \ l_-_.,,r,.1_4 | f' ".--2 | i*ffiiËffiîffi*..Fdrdbùè H .:F.:Ëiffifl#ËigÊr?i.H*'#.- Il--l iji**gis,ffi*?iffiffi*,* Ë t û6ùùd Èerykdf*turFddb
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