-'' ACRE 2 accrollrg æû cfllnghgotæglt pou mleux reporHle o I'emploi The title of this course is "Home Repairs". This course is useful for everybody who speak English and they are interested to improve their knowledge about Home Repairs in general. This Course includes General information about Home Repairs and the use of electrical equipment for home repair, Home Râpalr t. rhkrtni-.r1r- f-:rYue.-b'-É.* /hlËAffi s-iû alabutwlshahora b . kdrudbd0rrldtrwM#{d.dflkl. Et\- it Hffi iH,'ffi; ' ;l# ;"* t t rnrn'r rât^id*h fttt offiBreeteitrbùFt E rhMd{pÉSbbnrr.{BWb@ R*;l âtâlHr ft lu&*nrcÉsÉ10f?0ffi4 ilï1Ë;;;1s-""oinir'uiiiitq iaim - K ÆrwffiffiaotrF5ffiMffir1rob n dMh.ltfl rry9nûùiÉ@ft swN -'r *n onEy. ftratrNn.rûdrHû The author of this course is "fu[fryi4" This course is available through internet at the site: http://h ome re pai r. abo ut. com/ Wintrriz. Your Hom....Soon: uE @€HR€r lhl hls0a0, !dffiatffiwËr h Ébral0r srn*Efl, naF al H9 É gtl hrlahÈdbko*mr *ts h rrd !û9run3 d 8ô OdFrhôû. hrryaaûdÊr. h4rrto hr. ilnt Îù!ÉÉry&loDd 5, ?tÛ6 L.'Ér , r I !!!ll11!!!r rtrd|ffiltx ffrFaw,tFl bû#lsildædÉbltrl :ddi!4_d_g!tudH.ild tffi & ffi M M w VALIDATION
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