"'' ACRE 2 ccerolfre t€s cotmûl$oncs pour mieux repondre o I'emploi The title of this course is "The use of wood". This course is useful for carpenters who speak English and they are interested to improve their knowledge about wood. This Course includes General information about the use of wood in everyday life giving some case studies. The author of this course is "Wood for Good association" This course is available through internet at the site: http :/lvrrww.woodfo rooo d. co m/ buililirrg :ustrinuhlv P!ÈL ( Blrdhq brllesii) l15 (rt. lr. !uri,naùl. ts-cq.3 El f ofra3 urf Çgr9âttti inÉ4 T.,6hsd.! (Ê -nr r rB' r.rl rd'F4i .p-.tà|#rrùr tft.r:.r b&.rrn@nt Fê,Éil(Sr4hH{h!a6:}1hÉBù' nùff sr€rls_çù.m:$:dr.ù_ dà !o.€ ad r, | Êtts{ s P+ #r{ '*{ r r,{ù rr kc4trSt-Ur lffit't@tv rg.r4'''Edd l!tu dlm:€ frr [i Éd (s!gd ù {ôr. (rrû,:sdriï riid'Fmid ilrr inn. dù ri,.., r-..e.F3 r.r{ tffi ffi ffi M m w VALIDATION
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