*""ACRE 2 occrollr€ itr cotrncligorlcgs pour mieu( repondre o l'emploi Making Photographs. The course is in English language, and is a tutorial by Philip Greenspun about making photographs. Through this course somebody can learn much useful information about photography such as, light, lens, films, exposure, and cameras. The course emphasise in some other areas of interest such as Good photography with a point and shoot camera Using Tilt-Shift Lenses, Portraits, Gardens, Architecture, lnteriors Ruins, Macro Studio, Lighting, Nudes Underwater, Underwater - ll, Sports and Action, Con certs, Astrophotography, Star Trails, Infrared and Ultraviolet, Pinhole Photography, Street Photography, Nature Photography, Darkroom. This course is available through intemet at a site: http ://unnryv. p h oto. n etll ea rn/ma ki nq- ph o toq ra p h s Llstl tffi w ffi le ffi 6 VALIDATION
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