sccrollro tfi' connclrrgncg pow mieux repondte o l'emploi "Vocational Trai ning Glossa4y'' ln this webpage a short definition of terms related to VocationalTraining, Life Long Leaming, Formal & InformalTraining, etc, is given. Available in Greek language. Sources: Bjornavold, (CEDEFOP), CEDEFOP. The website is useful to professionals as well as to low skilled who wish to learn, for example, which is the most appropriate type of training they can have, according to their own professional and/or educational situation. In this website the leamer has the possibility to learn the "formal" meaning of terms which, nowadays, are commonly used in the every day life. These terms are related to Vocational Traininq, Life Long Learninq,@, Basic Skills, Trainel Certificatinq of Skills, etc. Each term is translated in English language, so the learner also knows the international term used. About the author: Copyright @ DSS Laboratory-ERGASYA, Technical University of Crete, Edited by: Krassadaki Lia, Karagounakis Aggelos, Vassilis Fortsas. All information are free of charge. The material is available in Greek lanouaqe but the English veFion of each term is given as well. The glossary is available in: http:llwww.astrolavos.tuc.qr/contents/qlos voc trGr.htm#l-lpqrnxnyo20ud0non 80% ô0% VALIDATION .Atracllve €'l|1@@h@r.) kftdd(nr4.E.') ftrit : J, SlcÉvCd, ICEECÉoFI "}l{vM.ç hrt n I'tûtlon" . CÊûËFof, {@tiisi Enryf.À{rn{iç kdpnqt" I t'ÀdqG{ qmkt qG'4eFdaddrqri(ffi+r h,efiiq( {mrûh4oin, rrùUô. &û 4 eFnrLr)'ûr 2 ûr.*ar4or.fta{mùdl@Éûffirk|dt@(1lwd(di!'.râq i yd( dtq, @rMefdi!tu tu rù r4k *rlrynrrtqt 4! odq(
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