"Pediatrician: onJine information" Aim of the website is to inform the general public (and especially the families) about various diseases and emergency situations Available in Greek language. Author: Paediatric Care Centre. occrollre ff8 contxlltûotlg pou mleux rêpondre o I'emploi ln this website the leamer may have access to useful information for the child and the family, for various diseases and emergency situations like fever, accidents, poisoning, etc, as well as to be informed about the most recent bibliography concem in g issues like vaccination, meningitis, etc. Among the (ore than 100) issues treated the learner can see: r sucklê, r estimate the dodage of antipyretics o timetable for the vaccinations, o taking care of the newbom child, r nutrition the first 6 months, r fever and how to affront it, . pestilent diseases, and many others. About the author: Paediatric Care Centre was founded in 1995. All information are free of charqe. The material is available in Greek language. The pedagogical material is in: . paid iatros. gr/paqe4. html dr% VALIDATION Prcseiltation Tr peytilo purr{pro rou 0rrloypuqh6 voqpdttw fro ro Korvô & Vq uytiqç A ooroyoaoisÉ lomudlffi B û0rovosqiÊgmprorsrxôv I lqrptxd ôéuqtq q
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