ACRE 2 clccrollfé s€û connoksonçeù pour mieux repondle o l'emploi "Medical Services on lnternet". Aim of the website is to inform the general public (and patients) about some of the most common diseases (prevention, diagnosis and other useful information). Available in Greek language. Author: lraklis Avramopoulos, MD. lnside Medweb the learner may found information about medical news, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, infectius diseases or other intemal medicine items. More specifically, the issues presented are as follows: . Hypertension, o Constipation, r Neurogenic anorexia, o diabetes mellitus, o what should the diabetic has always in mind, o how to affront hypoglycaemia, . risk factors for heart diseases, o how to avoid a cerebral accident, o Crohn disease, o Prostate's hypertrophy, etc. About the author: lraklis Avramopoulos is internal medicine physician. He has special training on diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and infectious diseases. All information are free of charge. The material is available in Greek language. URL: httn :llwww. medwe b- o rlnatients/i n dex " htm ao% 6096 VALIDATION Préaêntatlon Atractlve EASYNÊSS ar.r.IÈ4 nbal (ydrô ri! 6;F'.'n tr<au6roli. .@t ?8*/ Auri n ftÀiôq rivor qsr?p,r'Ëvq nouq on' our4. gÈForo, oê Ko$io f,spinrodrl ourÉq sl
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