dîiti "'' ACRE 2 occrollre tët connoltcorcea pour mieux repondte o I'emploi Spreading of HIV This course shows you how does HIV spread, what does AIDS mean and how to avoid getting this disease During this short course you will get acquainted with the problem of this virus, how did it develop and where is this from, how to prevent it, how does this epidemic spread, what are its main features. At the end of this short and general course you can also test your knowledge. The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: The%20spreadi nq%2 0ofo/o2Othe%2 0 H lV%2Ovi rus/homel VALIDATION 80% 8% ffir o% th€ problêm llod€lllnt thG ôplden|lc and otrratlon ot thê Ylns Tê8t $ Using ô pÉpôÉtion sucked up frcm the %me ampode vlh M dspos&|. slrhgæ. bl'deeD'lds .t Sæl iÈæffs wihout usho r cqdom
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