- : t ' il, .,i .1 ,J :r' ACRE 2 ccroitre ses ,ionnoi$sorces pour mieux lepondle o l'i'mploi é ".*--x A website to get acquainted with drugs, they harmful effects and symptoms of drug use. This website introduces you the different types of illegal drugs. You can find here information about the most common natural and synthetic drugs, about their history, effects. You can find also information about the symptoms of the use of each special type of drugs, and about the treats of using these. There is also a special dictionary for the slang of drugs, and its users and you can find pictures also about the different types of drugs. On the site you can find a special section for prevention, which collects not only stories and videos of drug users, or people who went out of the habit of using drugs, but also some organizations whom you can turn to if you need more information in this topic. n '-' il:"':' 3f,'::'*r é4 t/ !g:;,, g,* Ê*: r [l:=' ;I-__ *.P-_ il sË' Sil. ' ft--. El;i:r,r- !l=--. Author and designer: Mr. Dâvid KOLMA The site is available at: tso% 80% 60% VALIDATION Prêsenl ât lon Alractlve EASY N ESS
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