occrdlrg Êgr contEfcmæ* pou mleur( repondte o l'emploi An easily understandable review on the use of the Personal Computer. It is addressed to all adults with a minimum knowledge of PCs and Intemet surfing. Author of this educational portal is the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs. The training is divided in following issues: 1 . FAQs a bout Wi ndows-offi ce-i nte met-software, 2. Buying and Updating a PC, 3. PC maintenance, 4. Internet safety, 5. Website designing, 6. Searching the Internet, 7. Brief history of the lnternet. Course free of charge. No special requirements are required. URL: http://www.e-vliko.qrlpc-use.htm VALIDATION lnoy. NVô 60% *% 20"t" o%