ACRE Project SOCRATES Programme No 87259-CP-1-2000-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-ADU No 114271-CP-1-2004-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 - 6 - 3. The "LLEIP" is initiating and stimulating the CARL (Cellule d’Appui et de Réflexion Locale - Cell of Support and Local Thought). It strives to do its setting up with all the private and public actors of the territory and it actively contributes to the buoyancy of this privileged network of information. The experiments showed the importance of this partnership in the approach of diversified solutions and it is a very important source of information of which the dead end should especially not be made. 4. The "LLEIP" is a convivial space that profits from all the accessibilities such as viabilities, days and widened hours of opening , … By widened, it should be understood that the time slots will make it possible to learners to reach information with the assistance of a facilitator, in evenings as well as Saturdays, as a minimum, initially in the morning. 5. The "LLEIP" is easily identifiable by the public concerned; basically, it is represented by the international descriptive proposed in the front page of this document. The "LLEIP" profits from an important, continuous and renewed local information campaign, with/from Medias . 6. The "LLEIP" is animated by a facilitator trained for supporting people in very great difficulty. The experience on the matter of the partners the closest to the learners makes them say that this person should be neither a social worker, nor an advisor for employment.