2 occrollre s* connglganm pcur mleux repoMre o l'emploi Hangman for Spanish Students Are you looking for a fun way to learn new words in Spanish? If so, try playing one of our new hangman games, known in Spanish as e/ ahorcado. (Incidentally, the name of the game in Spanish refers to the person hanged rather to the executioner.) Each of the games listed below includes about 20 words selected at random each time you play. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to play the games (most browsers are set up that way). You can choose one of this categories: Easy Vocabulary General Vocabulary General Vocabulary (hints in Spanish) Difficult Vocabulary (hints in Spanish) Foods Animals The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to Internet. The link of logon is following: http://spanish.about.corn/librarvlweekly/aa1 1 1 302a.htm VALIDATION tm% 80% t0% 4% 2f/" 0% Presntation . Alractw Â! sa E,t qH ! JEL iINQI.! RÊ UyW!!Z thrr ir on. of a coklbn ol Àre yN lookang for â tun wëy to leârn nev words |n 9p0rd5hl lf s0, (ry playhg .voc.bur.'v 6nê of our nsw hengmln gêmâs/ knôwn rft!8& in spônirh ôs â/ èàæado, (Incidentàlly, - nme of the gFme in spêni'h Éfar5 to th€ psrss hrnged ratlBr to thg .ie4gs&l ---ô,,rhÈ, \ 'ôo.rdôào.! 1B ls ônê of â côl*Ibn of Mgron gâhes esjgned {.rpêôd! whd ére,é#ing sgrirh, Ë.Êh gme mdrd6 àbut 20 wds hilt .@É â thÉfr .nd cbrrn at ûntum e:ch lino vtu pbv, Io plry sith â nav êohcùd ôf eod! t'Md â dfl6rst tke, 10 to trB Ëoè, /@Bsryel
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