"' ACRE 2 occrollre t€s connolaænces pour mieux repondre o l'emploi How to talk about colors in French language? This website gives people the easy way to learn the colours in French language. In this website you can learn the basic colours with pronunciation and the main grammar forms. At the end, you have a chance to make sure of what you have learned by checking yourself. The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to lnternet. The link of logon is following: http://peinturefl htm VALIDATION ao% 60% 41y. 70% of Ztolrt æ làz olnll w f@ lmu fulwto4 *.1*1.Éf'l'1 .-i.Ê'= "--Ë:E .r'{:_.jj qJu,B .*xrl: --B r:+i-,13 rb*i_-,L; i--{-,-,8 @
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