'ho, ,* l9 r T s Çs{*" f ^ 3l -".ACRE 2 occrollre ræ connolrgcrics pour mleux repondte o I'emploi How to read numbers in french language? This website gives people the easy way to learn the French numbers The website includes pronunciation of each number and the user can hear it from the speakers or headphones. There are a lot of exercises to test yourself and at the end of each one, you ctrn see the results. The course is free accessible of charge through one logon to lnternet. The link of logon is following: . svvf 80% 50% VALIDATION 4% 2W" o% @ 1 lvoëib{|lxlrÉ ns rHfrrus il$tm EEUE[i]FIIiIEEEUE E fi EEI ETEIfi E UEIEIE EEI E E EEE E EEE Etr@
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