ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

2 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 The most effective method of training is to learn to answer the following key questions using a range of information that you can get from various sources, even before the interview: a) Why do I want this job? Employers seek employees impersonal not simply to fill vacancies. They need people who bring something new and valuable in the company they lead. then try to find as much information about the company (industries, markets, location of premises and offices, partners business, competing companies, intentions development or expansion, company reputation and leading cadres, etc.). b). What can I offer? Those who want to know why undertakes to hire you (and anyone else). To find out, they will put some general questions to help them get to know you better. Try to anticipate possible questions while formulating the answers most convenient, not to be taken aback. Sample of questions:  Why do you want this job?  What do you know about the company / our company?  Why you want to change your job?  CV I see that you change jobs after many years. Why?  In the current job that attracts you and what you do not like? Why?  Given your strengths shown in CV, why you pay so little?  How did you get former job?  If I ask for references about you, what would tell your boss?  Why were you laid off / fired / let you go?  Why should I hire you? What can you offer?  What think you're good?  You think the company can offer you / our society?  What of wage claims? We prefer younger candidates / old! - Do not seem to have too much experience .......!  What skills / skills may think you?  What qualities (strengths) personal think you? - What faults (weaknesses) personal think you?  What will you do if you get this job?  What kind of boss motivates you to work with maximum efficiency?