ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

1 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 European joint approach on Educative tools to improve employability and selfreflection for Sentenced Minors - Young Adults (ESM-YA) Activity name “Solving problems“ Management and career choices Experimenting Context In which Session and action did your activity came in complement Session 3 Annex 22 Career guidance Duration of the Complementary Activity 20 minutes Material Report Method Group Interest of the exercise evaluated by the group [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] "Identify career problems" The aim: Identifying problems detecting the intensity of feelings like a perception of displeasure. Election as solving ability, achieve the goal of obtaining pleasure by delaying achieve its immediate and / or its satisfaction on another path. Another way of solving the problem may be observing creative abilities so fighting against hostile external factors and creating new possibilities for solving social widely accepted.