ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

2 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 Develop a personal project to get where you want Sometimes we are in a situation that does not suit us: we work, we feel incapable, threatened, marginalized, without resources, etc. Usually we can think of situations where I prefer to be. Our problem stems from the intersection of the point where we are in life, and where we want to go. One way to get where we want is to develop and implement personal projects or activities that are actually stairs or steps we use to get where we want. On the next page draw up a personal project that will help you to move toward a goal. Use the questions below those you feel are significant:  I have a clear idea about where I'm going?  I traced, viewed, stressed or described my project?  I know how to do activities that help me make my project?  Does my project passes the test: common sense?  Do i have all the resources needed?  Did I discussed my project with someone of that ideas and suggestions I respect?  Am I prepared to review my project?  Does my project have a sense of ownership and a personal meaning for me? What is a contract?  It is a specific decision in order to produce the changes that you want.  It is a clear formulation of objectives that contain changes  This contract contains few features: 1. It is a mature decision regarding my own conduct and not a childs promise in order to please everyone or a parents approval: "It 's allowed to .. " is a mature decision that you take because its in your power 2. It is concrete, not vague or general. 3. Is it realistic and positive and leads to better relationships and results. 4. Q begins with: " I want .. " , which demonstrate that you are responsible for your own behavior. The contract contains clear statements, precise things to be made in the professional and personal development. We can make another contract later and we can add points to existing ones, to continue personal development.